Originally from California, Farrel Gabrielle Duncan has been living in her adopted home of Brooklyn NY since 1997. Prior to studying and practicing Eastern Medicine, Farrel was a documentary fine arts photographer for over 12 years. Since 2010, she has owned and operated a private practice in the Union Square neighborhood of NYC. She feels blessed to be a part of a 3,000 year old tradition of powerful, complex Medicine which has changed her life, and the lives of many of her patients.

Farrel Duncan was trained for 8 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and strongly influenced by Classical Acupuncture (with study under Ann Cecil-Sterman and Jeffrey Yuen), Five Element Acupuncture (with study under Dr. Anne Jeffres and Thea Elijah), and advanced Cupping techniques (with Susan Johnson, an understudy of Miriam Lee in CA and China.) She had the benefit of additional study of Traditional Japanese Medicine under Nigel Dawes and Dr. Stephen Jackowicz.

Farrel Duncan Headshot