Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for over 3,000 years. Acupuncture is based upon the idea that there are pathways or channels in the body. Just as we have a circulatory system of blood and lymphatic fluid, we have energetic channels - all join together to create an interconnected web, or lace-like network in our body.

Geometric chart

Acupuncture is concerned with the flow of Qi (pronounced CHEE) in a patient. Qi is the motive force at work in our bodies  -- akin to metabolism, circulation, cell development -- and is necessary for all of the body’s activities to take place. Acupuncture also focuses on the substances of the body -- the Blood and body fluids -- which can become deficient or abundant. When the Qi, Blood, or fluids become deficient, stuck, or abundant throughout the body, they create imbalances which result in pain, illness, or disease.

During an Acupuncture treatment, we work with the body’s network and pathways by stimulating specific points on the body. These points are like doors or entrances along the pathways -- they provide specific leverage whereby I can direct the body back into balance. When there is balance, pain, illness, and disease are rectified.